5 Different Ways To Gift Your Boudoir Images To Your Partner:

Your shoot is all done, you are proud of your photos, and you want to show your partner. How exactly do you do that, though? Here are five great ideas that just might work for you: 

1. Take your digital files and email them to your husband or wife while they are at work. Nothing brightens up someone's day like a boudoir photo. You can string them out over a few days or even months. One last piece of advice: in the subject line, make sure that you tell them to open your email in private! 

2. Put them in an album. Wrap up this album and let them open this gift on a special occasion. After your shoot, we can pick out your favorite photos, and I can have your collection made into an album for you. 

3. Put them on the mirror in the morning. Simply hang a photo on the mirror before your significant other wakes up in the morning. I honestly can't think of a better way to start the day. 

4. This isn't for the faint of heart. Take your 12 favourite shots and have them turned into a calendar. Hang it up and let them enjoy a new photo every month for the next year. 

5. A scavenger hunt! Don't let the secret out. Place your photos in the fridge, lunchbox, or any other commonly used place. Imagine your partner’s surprised look when they find a sultry picture of you unexpectedly. Be creative with this one! 

Bonus Ideas:

  1. Hide a small album someplace that only he or she would find it. (I have small accordion albums that would be perfect for him or her to keep tucked away privately) 
  2. Give him or her 12 Days of Sexy You, Choose 12 images wrap them up and give them to him or her for the 12 days before Christmas
  3. Along the same lines choose 24 images to gift as an advent calendar, they will love it more then a tiny chocolate for sure!

I hope this article helps you! Let me know how it turns out. Remember, if you need any additional help, I am here for you.

